California Partnerships for Oral Health
Over the last five years, California has undertaken several initiatives to improve the oral health of Californians. The California Oral Health Plan 2018-2028 (Plan) provides a common agenda for achieving a set of objectives. The plan recognizes that the implementation of strategies will require building strong partnerships, coalitions, and collaborations. Only through concerted efforts of the partners will it be possible to promote healthy behaviors, prevent diseases, address unmet oral health needs, and eliminate oral health disparities.
The California Partnership for Oral Health (Partnership) fosters a dynamic group of individuals and organizations that collectively work together through a public health approach to achieve the mutual goals of promoting oral health and reducing the burden of oral and dental diseases throughout California. The Partnership ensures the implementation and evaluation of the Plan. The Plan provides public health guidance to individuals and organizations through ambitious goals, measurable objectives, and specific strategies and activities to improve oral health across the lifespan. The Partnership serves as a communication conduit for stakeholder groups to ensure that strategies are realistic and relevant to the needs and priorities of diverse groups and reflect actions that will achieve high-impact results.