California Blood Lead Proficiency Assurance Program (CBLPAP)
The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Acts of 1986 and 1991 (California Health and Safety Code Sections 124125 et seq. and 105275 et seq., respectively) require the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), formerly the California Department of Health Services, to designate laboratories qualified to do blood lead testing for the CDPH Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch (CLPPB) or for any blood lead testing reimbursed through the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) program. The California Blood Lead Proficiency Assurance Program (CBLPAP) determines the proficiency of laboratories in blood lead level analysis by monitoring their performance in blood lead proficiency testing programs recognized by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.
For additional information about CBLPAP, please contact the Environmental Health Laboratory Branch.