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REHS Exam Dates


Examinees must complete all educational requirements and present a letter of admittance to the exam from the Environmental Health Specialist Registration Program. All training and experience requirements must be completed by the end of the month following the exam.


Results of the exam will not be released until all documentation has been received.


Bring a check or money order for $126 payable to Environmental Health Specialist Registration Fund. Do not mail the examination fee. The exam is held on the same day in Northern and Southern California.


EXAM TIME:                 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


EXAM DATES:                              2017

                                       Friday ā€“ July 21, 2017

                                      Friday ā€“ November 17, 2017




          Northern:        California Department of Public Health

                                      (Room TBD)

                                       1616 Capitol Avenue

                                      Sacramento, CA 95814


          Southern:         California State University, Northridge

                                       (Room TBD)

                                       18111 Nordhoff Street

                                       Northridge, CA 91330

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