CHCQ is seeking input from interested stakeholders as part of the regulation development process to ensure proposed regulations are consistent with other laws and regulations, modern hospital practices, and other relevant standards. CHCQ has begun the process of revising regulations governing GACHs under California Code of Regulations, Title 22. These GACH regulations include the following sections:
- section 70701 Governing Body
- section 70703 Organized Medical Staff
- section 70705 Medical Staff, Residents, Interns and Students
- section 70706 Interdisciplinary Practice and Responsibility for Patient Care
- section 70706.1 Granting of Nonphysician Privileges
- section 70706.2 Standardized Procedures
- section 70729 Advertising
- section 70754 Special Hospital Transfer Agreement
- section 70757 First Aid and Referrals
- section 70759 Exercise Stress Testing
- section 70761 Medical Library
- section 70763 Medical Photography
- section 70765 Conference Room
Instructions for Submitting Written Comments
Please submit your written comments by August 31, 2018 using the Written Comments for GACH Administration Regulations Survey. Stakeholders may submit supporting documentation as attachments at the end of this survey. Please include your name, title, the name of organization you represent, and AFL number to any attachment(s).
Please submit your questions by email to
Original signed by Scott Vivona
Scott Vivona
Assistant Deputy Director
Attachment: Written Comments for GACH Administration Regulations Survey