County Health Status Profiles
County Health Status Profiles (Profiles) reports data on selected public health indicators chosen in collaboration with local health officers and epidemiologists. This annual report provides California and county age-adjusted rates, crude rates, or percentages for mortality, infant mortality, morbidity conditions, and other public health related categories. These three-year average rates and percentages are ranked and compared to the target rates established in the Healthy People National Objectives. The report also provides a comparison of current period to previous period rates and percentages for California and the counties. Profiles publication typically occurs in conjunction with National Public Health Week.
County Health Status Profiles 2022

Profiles 2022 is the 30th annual publication of the report. In response to increased interest in mortality due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, interactive visualizations to explore statewide mortality trends have been released to complement the data presented in the report.
- County Health Status
Profiles 2022 report (PDF)
- CHSP 2022 Tables 1-29 (Excel)
- CHSP 2022 Table 30 (Excel)
- CHSP 2022 Appendix A (Excel)
- Statewide Mortality Trends Interactive Visualization
Please use either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as the web browser to access these Excel files as they may not properly download when using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.