We care about providing inclusive access to the information on this website. That includes language access.
This translation and the browser translations below may not always be clear or precise. If you have any questions, an abortion provider may have translation services.
Available languages
This website is available in English and Spanish with PDF documents of website transcription in Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
Select your desired language in the top right of the screen to access that translation.
Other languages
If your preferred language isn’t available, many browsers have a built-in translation feature. Here are instructions for some popular browsers.
You can translate webpages in Chrome that do not match your default language. The article also includes steps to change the default language.
You can translate a webpage in Safari on Mac into one of your preferred languages.
Preferred languages are set through your Mac’s System preferences. Apple has steps on how to change the Language & Region General preferences on Mac.
Edge will automatically ask if you want to translate a webpage if it’s not written in your preferred language. Learn how to use Microsoft Translator in Edge.
Microsoft also has steps on how to set your preferred language and use Edge in another language.
Firefox does not have a default translation feature. Mozilla, the makers of Firefox, recommends you use the To Google Translate extension for Firefox.
Even though there isn’t a translation feature, you can use Firefox in another language. This will display the Firefox interface in a language you choose.