Occupational Health Watch: August 2018
Preventing Injuries from Moving Heavy Materials
Workers who lift and move heavy materials on the job without using lifting equipment or safe practices can suffer from serious and disabling injuries that impact their health and productivity and increase employer costs.
The Occupational Health Branch (OHB) has launched a nonfatal injury prevention program in partnership with its existing
Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) program. The new program will investigate work-related injuries in high-risk industries and occupations, and will collaborate with other organizations to promote workplace safety.
One partner, the Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), has a new free online tool and app to help employers and workers prevent injuries by planning ahead for safe handling of heavy materials. The
Best Built Plans website includes resources for planning, training, and coaching on manual materials handling. The
Lift Coach app provides two games that workers can play on handheld devices to test their knowledge.
Photo: Workers who lift heavy materials are at risk for serious injuries.
Best Built Plans ā CPWR resources
Lift Coach ā CPWR app
Email Occupational Health Watch (OHW@cdph.ca.gov) with feedback or change of address.