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Occupational Health Branch

Occupational Health Watch: January 2019

New A-Z Index for CDPH Occ Health Resources

Employers, workers, and occupational health advocates looking for resources can now find them in one place on the new A-Z index on the California Department of Public Health Occupational Health Branch (OHB) website.

The page is alphabetically sorted by topic, and many resources are cross-listed. Visitors to our website can use the listing to find training materials and other documents produced by OHB programs. These resources are on topics that include preventing work-related asthma, lead poisoning, pesticide illness, and fatal injuries, as well as hazard evaluation, health surveillance, and the California Safe Cosmetics Program.

This link can be bookmarked and shared with others: OHB A-Z Index page.


Workplace Health A-Z Topic Index ā€“ CDPH web page

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