California Lead Legislation & Regulations
The California State Legislature creates legislation (laws) through the passage of Assembly or Senate bills.
Regulations, also referred to as "standards," are the details and requirements for a given law.
Health standards are proposed by State agencies, such as the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) in the California Department of Industrial Relations, through a rulemaking process. Although Cal/OSHA proposes health regulations (and enforces health and safety regulations), they are passed by the California Occupational Safety and Health Board whose members are appointed by the Governor.
The following is a list of California occupational lead poisoning prevention laws and regulations.
Recommendations for improving the Cal/OSHA Lead Standards
The Cal/OSHA lead standards are based on lead toxicity information that is now over 40 years old. Current medical information clearly demonstrates harmful effects of chronic and low-level exposures to lead in adults, at levels well below those currently allowed by the standards. See
OLPPP's Recommendations for Improving the Cal/OSHA Lead Standards.