Mission Statement 
CAIR Vision, Mission and Goals
Vision: Any authorized user anywhere in the state of California can immediately obtain comprehensive immunization information on any California child.
Mission: To create and maintain a fully-populated and fully-utilized interactive, confidential and secure Immunization Information System that improves immunization coverage to protect all Californians from vaccine-preventable diseases.
Goal 1: Establish a single, consolidated statewide Immunization Information System that is scalable and flexible.
Goal 2: Create a centralized view and repository of accurate, current, trusted and usable data; and foster use of the data maintained in the registry.
Goal 3: Engage providers, increase electronic data submission to the Registry and enhance the user experience.
Goal 4: Improve or replace existing support applications and ensure the ability to communicate with other applications both internal and external to California.
Goal 5: Automate and streamline internal and external processes to gain operational efficiency.