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COVID-19 Vaccine Media Campaign Solicitation


The California Department of Public Health is seeking to award a single contract to conduct a COVID-19 vaccine media campaign. The purpose is to create and implement an expedited, consumer tested campaign designed to ensure Californians and key groups who are at high risk for COVID-19, receive timely, accurate and actionable information about COVID vaccination.


The California Department of Public Health,  intends to award a contract to Duncan Channon in response to Solicitation #20-10810 for the COVID-19 Vaccine Media Campaign.

Funding alert (PDF)

Application information: 

  • Register to attend voluntary pre-proposal bidders webinar: December 14, 2020, 5:00pm
  • Voluntary pre-proposal bidders webinar: December 15, 2020, 2:00pm
  • Stage 1 proposals due: December 21, 2020, 5:00pm

Solicitation RFP, Attachments, and Exhibit: 


If you are having difficulty accessing this document please contact CDPH at to request this information in an alternate format.

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