What is my facility number?
The facility number is your 9-digit Child Care/ Preschool Facility number from the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) - Community Care Licensing (CCLD). For child cares, use your Child Care Center Preschool Facility Number.
Please speak with your site administrator to obtain, use the Search for your facility function on the reporting page or search through the CDSS Directory after filtering for FacilityType: Child Care Center Preschool.

For public preschools, please add ā00ā in front of your California Department of Education (CDE) school code. To look up your school code, please see the CA School Search Directory
Who needs to report?
Please report using your CDSS child care center preschool facility number (see FAQ1 for more details) because the report reflects the immunization status of children age 2-5. Facilities with only Licensed Family Home Care, Infant, and School Age Day Care Centers are to review immunization status of their students but not report. For more guidance, view this CDPH letter to Pre-Kindergarten facilities (PDF).
For public preschools, please add ā00ā in front of your CDE school code. To look up your school code, please see the CA School Search Directory.
If your preschool is currently closed due to the pandemic please login and for the question on the Facility Information page:
- Do you have any children enrolled 2-5 years enrolled this year? Select āNoā.
- If not, why? Select āInactiveā.
Select Next and submit your report.
If your preschool is permanently closed, report your status as 'Closed' & check it is accurate with CDSS or CDE.
If you only have an infant center license you are not required to report.
Family child care homes are not required to report at the moment but must meet immunization requirements and maintain immunization records for CDSS.
How should I report enrollees who are in distance learning due to the pandemic?
On your report, consider enrollees who are in distance learning due to the pandemic the same as if they were receiving classroom-based instruction in a normal year. There is no such distinction made in the immunization requirements or reporting site.
How do I update the facility or contact information on the reporting site?
Disclaimer: Information updated is for reporting purposes only. All updates to facility information must be routed through the Department of Social Services- Child Care Licensing Department or California School Directory- Submitting Corrections (preschools) to be reflected next year.
For this year: To update or add a reporting contact, log-in to the reporting site and update Step 2 then click "Next". You do not have to finish your report at the same time. We recommend having a different contact person for each field since this contact information cannot be edited when the reporting site is closed.
I cannot find my facility. How am I supposed to report?
Please see FAQ1 and 2 to search for your child care center/ preschool facility number or submit a request to SchoolAssessments@cdph.ca.gov or your local health department. If you are directed to send a paper form, please see the instructions and include your Child Care Center/ Preschool Facility Number and write facility not listed on the upper left hand corner.
Why is my child care or preschool missing?
The list of facilities is obtained once a year, from the CA Department of Social Services - Community Care Licensing (CDSS) and CA Department of Education (CDE). If your facility is not listed, it may be because:
The public use CDSS and CDE data files were updated after the list was created
A new management or name change
Didnāt file the required annual Private School Affidavit in time
Listed with CDE as having less than 6 students enrolled
Who do preschools contact to be on the list next year?
For next year, contact CDSS or CDE earlier to make sure your facility is registered and that they have your latest contact information.
Child Cares should contact the Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD) at 916-229-4530 or contact a regional office.
Public preschools may contact their CDS coordinator using the CA School Search Directory.
What if my facility is on the reporting list but weāve closed or have no pupils that age?
If you have closed:
- Currently due to the pandemic, report your status as "Inactive".
- Permanently, report your status as "Closed" & check it is accurate with CDSS or CDE
Note: The list reflects the data obtained in the summer and may have been updated since. You will receive a delinquent notice if your report is not completed.
How do I know you received my submission?
After you click Submit, youāll proceed to the View/Print Report page and see

How do I correct a mistake I made on my submitted report?
Changes can be made up until reporting closes. Login again and click

What if I submitted successfully for one facility but the log in screen will not allow me to select another facility?
If you submit for multiple facilities, please clear your history or try another browser.
Do I still have to report a child that comes to my facility after school?
No, if they are enrolled in a separate Kindergarten facility that school should count them.