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California immunization registry

How to Enroll in CAIR2 CAIR Logo

Existing CAIR2 Accounts:
How Do I Update Our CAIR Account Info, Add New Users, or Change User Status ?

To update information for an existing Organization/Site or any associated User Accounts including: inactivating current User accounts, adding New Users, and changing User access levels, authorized representatives of the Organization/Site can now login to the CAIR2 Account Update page to make these changes. See guidance for choosing CAIR2 user roles (PDF).

New CAIR2 Enrollment:
Where Do I Enroll My Organization/Site?

Itā€™s easy to participate in CAIR2 and thereā€™s no cost to enroll or to use the system. To enroll in CAIR, you must be a healthcare provider, school, childcare facility, WIC facility, or Foster Care agency. To determine which would be the appropriate CAIR registry to join, consult the CAIR regions map.  If your county is in the CAIR San Joaquin region, consult your Local CAIR2 Representative (LCR) for enrollment instructions.  If you have questions, try the CAIR2 User FAQs.

There are different ways to access CAIR2 so use the table below to determine how to register your Organization. If you have questions about enrollment, consult the CAIR2 User FAQs.  If these donā€™t answer you questions, contact your LCR or the CAIR2 Help Desk team (1-800-578-7889). 

Where to Enroll:

ā€‹CAIR2 IZ Portal
ā€‹CAIR2 New Enrollment Page
ā€‹CAIR2 New Enrollment Page
If your Organization:

Gives vaccines and plans to send data to CAIR2 electronically

DX Enrollment Guide (PDF)
Gives vaccines and will enter patient data into CAIR2 manually
Only needs to look-up patients to confirm immunization status (schools, child care facilities, etc.)

What Happens Next?

  • Once your account has been created, you will be receive an email with supplementary information, including your CAIR2 Provider ID, any User IDs you requested, credentials (data exchange only), any further instructions, and CAIR2 staff contact info if you have any questions.   ā€˜Regularā€™ or ā€˜Powerā€™ Users will be required to complete a webinar or live, in-person training. ā€˜Read-Onlyā€™ users will be referred to the online videos for training.
  • Refer to the Integrating CAIR Into Your Office Workflow (PDF)
  • Familiarize yourself with the Immunization Registry Notice for Patients and Parents (all patients/parents must read this before their immunization records can be added to CAIR)
  • View the online CAIR Training Modules to see how easy it is to use CAIR2.

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