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Tools for Child Care and Preschool Staff 

How to Implement Immunization Requirements: 

  1. Notify parents of required immunizations and collect immunization records. Seeā€ÆParents' Guide to Immunizations Required for Pre-Kindergarten (Child Care) (also inā€ÆSpanish) (PDF). 
  2. Completeā€Æthe blue California Pre-Kindergarten and School Immunization Record (CSIR/Blue Card/CDPH286)(PDF), or equivalent record, by transferringā€Ævaccine dates from the child's personal immunization record. Blue Cardsā€Æare available freeā€Æfromā€Ælocal health departments
  3. Determine if requirements are met by comparing the dates on the Blue Card to theā€Æ Guide to Immunization Requirementsā€Æfor Pre-Kindergarten (Child Care)ā€Æ| Spanish |ā€ÆChinese (PDF) 
    You may alsoā€Æfind theā€Æwindows for immunization(PDF)ā€Æ(also inā€ÆSpanishā€Æandā€ÆChinese) (PDF) tool helpful. 
  4. If requirementsā€Æare not met, you mayā€Ærefer parents to their doctorā€Æwith aā€ÆLetter to Parents: Immunizations Neededā€Æ|ā€ÆSpanishā€Æ|ā€ÆArabicā€Æ|ā€ÆFarsiā€Æ|ā€ÆVietnameseā€Æ|ā€ÆChinese. (PDF)
    If a child is too young to receive required immunizations, they may beā€Æadmitted conditionally
  5. Keep aā€Æcompleted Blue Card, or equivalent record, on fileā€Æfor every child enrolled. 
  6. Every fall, submitā€ÆImmunization Assessment Reports
  7. Reportā€Æcontagiousā€Ædiseases (PDF)ā€Æto yourā€Ælocal health department 


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