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chronic disease control branch

GettyImages-ThaiFamilyCookingHeart Disease ā€“ Prevention is Key

Prevention is key. People with heart disease, hypertension, or a history of stroke, are at high risk for severe illness due to COVID-19.


Heart Disease ā€“ Health Tips:

  • Monitor your blood pressure.
  • Stock-up on medications and medical supplies. Make sure you have enough for an extended time.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces.
  • Stay home as much as possible.
  • Keep space between yourself and others.
  • Maintain healthy habits.
  • Make sure you can reach your doctor quickly. Put your doctor's and health care provider's contact information in an easy-to-locate place. Call ahead before physically presenting to clinic or hospital.
  • Create a list of support contacts who you might call on if needed, such as friends, relatives, colleagues, and neighbors.
  • Take stock of food, beverage, and hygiene supplies for yourself, your family, and your pets.
  • Continue with outdoor activities. As long as you practice social distancing, continue your outdoor activities such as walks, runs, and yardwork, to the extent your health allows it.
  • Reduce your stress - breathe, rest, and sleep.
  • Plan a set schedule for daily exercise or physical activity.

Nearly one in three adults ā€“ over eight million Californians ā€“ are living with at least one of the most common forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD) which are heart disease, heart failure, stroke, or hypertension (high blood pressure).

In California, the burden of CVD mirrors that of the nation. CVD accounts for one in three of all deaths in the state with over 78,000 deaths in 2014. The majority of CVD deaths were from heart disease (24 percent of all deaths) and stroke (six percent of all deaths), making them the second and third leading causes of death, respectively.

The California Department of Public Health has a number of ongoing initiatives and activities to improve cardiovascular health in the state by supporting evidence-base programs that promote health behaviors and healthy communities, and improved the prevention, diagnosis, and management of chronic disease.

The Chronic Disease Control Branch conducts CVD prevention activities with funding from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Prevention First (1305), Lifetime of Wellness: Communities in Action (1422), California Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant, and the California Stroke Registry/Paul Coverdell Program.

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