Fish and shellfish are an important part of a nutritious and healthy diet. However, some fish contain mercury and other chemicals that may be harmful to your health. This page can help you and your family make healthy choices about which and how much fish to eat, especially if you fish in California's water bodies.
Fish advisories provide information to make healthy choices on eating fish caught in California.California Fish Advisories - Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)Fish and Mercury page - OEHHA
California Fish Advisories - Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)
Fish and Mercury page - OEHHA
Safety Tips for Eating Fish for Families ... English (PDF) ... Spanish (PDF) ... Russian (PDF)
Fish2017 Advice about Eating Fish and Shellfish - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/U.S. Food & Drug Administration joint adviceOffice of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment - OEHHA web pageBiological monitoring for mercury within a community with soil and fish contamination - Journal article abstract
MercuryMercury - CDPH web pageMercury in Skin Cream - CDPH web page