Community Outreach & Education
An important part of CDPH's work at the Riverside Agricultural Park (Ag Park) has been to listen to the community, provide resources, and collect, document, and respond to community health and exposure concerns in relation to our health assessment work.
CDPH visited Ag Park and the surrounding neighborhood on several occasions and met with the City of Riverside, Riverside Ag Park Off-Site Community Work Group, the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice, the Ag Park Family, and community members. We also responded to many phone calls and emails from community members with questions regarding health and exposure concerns related to the site.
Below is a list of community outreach and education events that we conducted. For each event, we mailed a letter to 3,000 community members and emailed City Officials to inform them about the event, encourage their participation, and provide an update on our work at Ag Park. We also emailed government stakeholders and community organizations.
We encouraged community members to ask questions and share their health and exposure concerns. In addition, we provided educational and resource materials and asked for feedback on outreach and education strategies for the community.
Public Comment on Draft Health Consultation Report
CDPH and ATSDR released a draft of its Health Consultation report on July 25, 2019 and invited the public to comment on the report within a 60-day period.
2nd Community Meeting
On August 15, 2019, CDPH held a community meeting at the Arlanza Community Center to discuss the draft of the Health Consultation report. At this meeting, CDPH explained the conclusions and recommendations of its investigation and invited the public to provide comments during the public comment period.
Community Workshops
In response to requests from the community, CDPH offered two community workshops on how to reduce exposures to toxic substances on October 4, 2017, in English and Spanish, at Terrace Elementary School. These workshops focused on practical ways for families to reduce exposures to harmful chemicals at home, at work, and while pursuing hobbies.
Outreach to Health Care Providers
CDPH conducted outreach to health care providers on the health effects of harmful chemicals. On April 20, 2017, CDPH emailed a letter to 15 clinics and hospitals near Riverside Ag Park. In the letter, we explained our investigation of PCB exposures at Ag Park and community concerns associated with the site. We also provided educational resources such as online training courses on environmental health topics, a patient environmental exposure history form, and a fact sheet on PCBs.
If a community member has health concerns they think may be caused by exposures to PCBs from Ag Park or any harmful chemicals, they should contact their health care provider. To assist with this process, CDPH created a Patient Information Packet for community members to take with them to their health care provider. To receive this packet by email or mail, please contact Beth Saiki, our health educator, at (510) 620-5764 or
To inform community members about the availability of this packet, we have prepared a letter which can be viewed in English and Spanish.
Site Cleanup
The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has been responsible for the cleanup work at Riverside Ag Park. For more information on DTSC's cleanup work at the site, go to DTSC's Riverside Agricultural Park webpage.