Skip Navigation LinksCCLHOBoardofDirectorsMarch2018

California conference of local health officers (CCLHO)

February 16, 2018

Meeting:  California Conference of Local Health Officers (CCLHO) Board of Directors Meeting

Date:  Thursday, March 1, 2018
Time:   9:00 am to 12:30 pm
Location:   The California Endowment, 1414 K Street, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814
Note the alternate in-person location for March

Additional Meeting locations listed at the bottom of this page.

This meeting is scheduled as noted above and is called under Section 100925 of the Health and Safety Code.  CCLHO will conduct the March Board of Directors meeting in person and through WebEx. Call Ashley Barbosa at (916) 440-7593 or Leah Northrop at (916) 440-7594 with questions at least one day prior to the meeting.

You may attend the CCLHO Board of Directors meeting in person, teleconference or via WebEx.  See below for details.

1. IN PERSON:  Two parking lots are open on K Street between 15th and 16th Streets.  Please note that prior approval is required for Health Officer travel reimbursement. 

 DIAL IN:  1-855-797-9485
 ACCESS CODE:  Enter Attendee access code: 920 462 593
 To ā€œMUTEā€ OR ā€œUNMUTEā€ your phone, PRESS *6

3. WEBEX: By joining the meeting through your computer, you will be able to view any PowerPoint presentations and other meeting documents. 

If at any point you have difficulty using WebEx, please use the support link provided in the meeting invite.

Agendas for the CCLHO Board meetings are posted on the CCLHO Board of Directors Website.


9:00 am Welcome and Introductions

Ken Cutler, MD, MPH, CCLHO President and Health Officer, Nevada County
ā€¢ Presidentā€™s Report
ā€¢ Executive Committee summary
ā€¢ Action Item: Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
o Discussion
o Public Comment
o Vote
ā€¢ Action Item: AB 1795 (Gipson) Emergency medical services: community care facilities
o Discussion
o Public Comment
o Vote
ā€¢ Action Item: SB 944 (Hertzberg) Community paramedicine programs: guidelines
o Discussion
o Public Comment
o Vote
ā€¢ Other Items
o Discussion
o Public Comment

9:20 am California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Report

ā€¢ Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Director and State Public Health Officer, CDPH
o Discussion
o Public Comment
ā€¢ CDPH Program Highlight:  Parkinsonā€™s Registry
Mark Damesyn, MPH, Dr.PH, Chief, Chronic Disease Surveillance and Research Branch; Director, California Cancer Registry, CDPH
ā€¢ Action Item:  Approve Addition of Parkinsonā€™s Disease to Title 17
o Discussion
o Public Comment
o Vote

9:55 am Committee Reports, Affiliate Reports and Action Items 

** Committee did not meet since last Board meeting or has no Action Items
ā€¢ Affiliates with multiple committee affiliations
o Directors of Public Health Nursing (DPHN)
o CA Conference of Local Health Data Managers and Epidemiologists (CCLHDME)
o Emergency Medical Services Administratorsā€™ Association of CA (EMSAAC)
o Mosquito and Vector Control Association of CA (MVCAC)
ā€¢ Discussion
ā€¢ Public Comment

**Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention ā€“ Wilma Wooten, MD, MPH, San Diego, & Robert Oldham, MD, MSHA, Placer
(next meeting: April 25, 2018, 1:30 ā€“ 4:00 pm, Sacramento)
ā€¢ Affiliate Reports:
o CA Conference of Local Health Department Nutritionists (CCLHDN)
o CA Conference of Local Directors of Health Education (CCLDHE)
ā€¢ Committee Update
ā€¢ Action Item:  Tobacco Enforcement Data Sharing 
ā€¢ Discussion
ā€¢ Public Comment
ā€¢ Vote

Communicable Disease Control and Prevention ā€“ Erica Pan, MD, MPH, Alameda & Barbara Cole, RN, PHN, MSN, Riverside
(next meeting: April 19, 2018, 9:15 am ā€“ 1:15 pm, Oakland)
ā€¢ Affiliate Reports:
o CA Association of Communicable Disease Controllers (CACDC)
o CA Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors (CAPHLD)
o CA STD/HIV Controllers Association (CSTDHIVCA)
o CA Tuberculosis Controllers Association (CTCA)
ā€¢ Committee Update
o Discussion
o Public Comment
ā€¢ Action Item: AB 1787 (Salas) Valley Fever ā€“ Reporting (March 1 annual reporting deadline)
o Discussion
o Public Comment
o Vote
ā€¢ Action Item: AB 1788 (Salas) Valley Fever ā€“ Reporting (laboratory criteria for diagnosis)
o Discussion
o Public Comment
o Vote
ā€¢ Action Item: AB 1880 (Fong) Valley Fever Reporting (training on reporting for providers)
o Discussion
o Public Comment
o Vote
ā€¢ Action Item: AB 1881 (Fong) Valley Fever Testing (laboratory test requirements)
o Discussion
o Public Comment
o Vote

**Environmental Health Committee ā€“ Ed Moreno, MD, MPH, Monterey
(next meeting: March 22, 2018, Sacramento)
ā€¢ Affiliate Report:  CA Conference of Directors of Environmental Health (CCDEH)
ā€¢ Environmental Health Committee Update
ā€¢ Discussion 

Health Equity Committee ā€“ Muntu Davis, MD, MPH, Alameda and Matthew Willis, MD, MPH, Marin
(next meeting: March 14, 2018)
ā€¢ Health Equity Committee Update
ā€¢ Discussion
ā€¢ Public Comment


**Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Ad Hoc Committee ā€“ Eric Handler, MD, MPH, Orange and Gail Newel, MD, MPH, San Benito
(next meeting: March 15, 2018, Sacramento)
ā€¢ Affiliate Reports
o CA Childrenā€™s Services Medical Advisory Committee (CCS MAC)
o CA Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Directors (MCAH Action)
ā€¢ Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Ad Hoc Committee Update
ā€¢ Discussion
ā€¢ Public Comment

10:30 am BREAK

10:45 am Panel Discussion on Public Health Laboratories 

ā€¢ Paul Kimsey, PhD, Deputy Director, Office of the State Public Health Laboratory, CDPH
ā€¢ Nicole M. Green, Ph.D., D(ABMM), Director, Public Health Laboratories, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
ā€¢ Zenda L. Berrada, Ph.D., D(ABMM), PHLD(ABB), Director, San Mateo County Public Health Laboratory
ā€¢ Katya Ledin, PhD MPH, Director, Napa-Solano-Yolo-Marin County Public Health Laboratory
ā€¢ Discussion
ā€¢ Public Comment

12:00 pm Legislative Stakeholder Updates

(CCLHO Strategic Plan Track of Work Alignment: Policy and Priorities; Value of Public Health)
ā€¢ Kat DeBurgh, MPH, Executive Director, Health Officers Association of California (HOAC)
ā€¢ Other Stakeholders
ā€¢ Discussion
ā€¢ Public Comment

12:15 pm Brief Reports

ā€¢ Volunteer and Advisory Group Reports
ā€¢ Regional Health Officer Groups
ā€¢ Communities of Practice
o Small jurisdictions
ā€¢ Other Reports
ā€¢ Discussion
ā€¢ Public Comment

12:24 pm Future Topics for Discussion

ā€¢ Discussion
ā€¢ Public Comment

12:27 pm Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda

12:30 pm Adjourn


Additional Meeting Locations:
Shasta County HHSAā€”Public Health
Office of the Health Officer
2650 Breslauer Way
Redding, CA 96001

City of Long Beach Public Health
2525 Grand Avenue, Suite 280
Long Beach, CA  90815

CCLHO Board Members

Executive Committee 

Ken Cutler, MD, MPH, Nevada 
Lou Anne Cummings, MD, MPH, Sutter 
Muntu Davis, MD, MPH, Alameda 
Jeffrey Gunzenhauser, MD, MPH, Los Angeles
Olivia Kasirye, MD, MSc, Sacramento  
Karen Milman, MD, MPH, Sonoma 
Matthew Willis, MD, MPH, Marin 

Members at Large

Constance Caldwell, MD, MS, Mendocino

Cameron Kaiser, MD, MPH, Riverside

Edward Moreno, MD, MPH, Monterey

Maxwell Ohikhuare, MD, San Bernardino

Robert Oldham, MD, MSHA, Placer

Nichole Quick, MD, MPH, Yuba

Karen Relucio, MD, Napa

Nancy Williams, MD, MPH, El Dorado

CCLHO Affiliates

Matthew Zahn, MD, Orange, CA Association of Communicable Disease Controllers (CACDC)
Nicole Green, PhD, Los Angeles, CA Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors (CAPHLD)
Larry Fay, Santa Barbara, CA Conference of Directors of Environmental Health (CCDEH)
Marisela Pineda, San Joaquin, CA Conference of Local Directors of Health Education (CCLDHE)
Yvonne Rodriquez, Sacramento, CA Conference of Local Directors of Health Education (CCLDHE)
Maridet Castro Ibanez, Orange, CA Conference of Local Health Department Nutritionists (CCLHDN)
Wendy Hetherington, Riverside, CA Conference of Local Health Data Managers and Epidemiologists (CCLHDME)
Diana Obrinsky, MD, MPH, Alameda, CA Childrenā€™s Services Medical Advisory Committee (CCS MAC)
Nicholas Moss, MD, Alameda, California STD/HIV Controllers Association (CSTD/HIVCA)
Louise McNitt, MD, MPH, Contra Costa, CA Tuberculosis Controllers Association (CTCA)
Rose Mary Rahn, Fresno, Directors of Public Health Nursing (DPHN)
Bryan Cleaver, Sonoma, Emergency Medical Services Administratorsā€™ Association of CA (EMSAAC)
Dan Lynch, Fresno, Emergency Medical Services Administratorsā€™ Association of CA (EMSAAC)
Kiko Malin, Alameda, MCAH Action (MCAHA)
Joel Buettner, MS, Placer, Mosquito and Vector Control Association of CA (MVCAC)

California Department of Public Health

Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Director and State Health Officer
Susan Fanelli, Assistant Director
Brandon Nunes, Chief Deputy Director of Operations
Claudia Crist, Chief Deputy Director of Policy and Programs
Gil Chavez, MD, MPH, Deputy Director, Center for Infectious Disease
Mark Starr, DVM, MPVM, Deputy Director, Center for Environmental Health
Monica Morales, Deputy Director, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Connie Mitchell, MD, MPH, Deputy Director, Center for Family Health
James Green, MD, MS, Deputy Director, Center for Health Statistics and Informatics
Karin Schwartz, Deputy Director and Chief Counsel, Office of Legal Services
Monica Wagoner, Deputy Director, Legislative & Governmental Affairs
Paul Kimsey, PhD, State Laboratory Director
Karen Mark, MD, MPH, Chief, Office of AIDS
Wm. Jahmal Miller, Deputy Director, Office of Health Equity
Leah Northrop, California Conference of Local Health Officers

Other Stakeholders

Jennifer Kent, Director, Department of Health Care Services
Kat DeBurgh, Health Officers Association of California


Please note that in accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act, this meeting is open to the public. The order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  While CCLHO intends to webcast this meeting, it may not be possible to webcast the entire meeting due to limitations on resources.

The public shall be given the opportunity to address each listed agenda item before or during discussion or consideration by CCLHO members and prior to CCLHO members taking any action on said item.  Members of the public will be provided appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before CCLHO, but the CCLHO President may, at his or her discretion, apportion available time among those who wish to speak.  Individuals may appear before CCLHO to discuss items not on the agenda; however, CCLHO can neither discuss nor take official action on these items at the time of the same meeting. (Government Code sections 11125, 11125.7)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
For individuals with disabilities, CDPH will provide assistive services such as sign-language interpretation, real-time captioning, note takers, reading or writing assistance, and conversion of training or meeting materials into Braille, large print, audiocassette, or computer disk. To request such services or copies in an alternate format, please call or write:

Office of Compliance - Civil Rights Unit
1300 17th Street, MS 0504
PO Box 997377
Sacramento, CA  95899-7377

California Relay 711/1-800-735-2929

Note: Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help to ensure availability of the requested accommodation.

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