California Department of Public Health (CDPH) does not permit or register Cottage Food Operations (CFO); however, we maintain the approved CFO foods list.
A Cottage Food Operation can prepare and package certain non-potentially hazardous foods in a private home-kitchen. The food products and food categories sold under the CFO program are available on the Approved Cottage Food List (PDF).
For CFO questions or when applying for registration or permitting of a CFO, contact your local Environmental Health Department.
There are two different classes of CFO's:
Class A:
This type of CFO can sell home-kitchen prepared foods directly to the public. This includes transactions made via the phone, internet, and any other digital method. A direct sale may be fulfilled in person, via mail delivery, or using any other third-party delivery service. A Class A operator's current maximum gross annual sales are $75,000.
Class B:
This type of CFO can sell home-kitchen prepared foods directly to the public or indirectly through restaurants and food markets. A direct sale may be fulfilled in person, via mail delivery, or using any other third-party delivery service. An indirect sale may be fulfilled in person, via mail delivery, or third-party delivery service. The current gross annual sales for a Class B operator are $150,000.
All CFOs must meet the requirements listed in the California Health and Safety Code, including but not limited to the following:
- Preparing and packing foods from the Approved Foods List
- Completing a Cottage Food Operator Training within three months of registration/permitting
- Implementing sanitary operations
- Labels compliant with state and federal requirements
- Operating within the established gross annual sales limits
- Registering or obtaining a permit from your local Environmental Health Department.
CDPH does maintain the approved foods list. Learn more about the requirements for cottage foods by reviewing the links below.
Please submit all cottage food questions and issues to