List of new powdered formulas allowed:
Temporary formula options
WIC participants unable to find their regular formula can temporarily mix and match over 100 formulas found in the lists below. Please contact your WIC Vendor Consultant or
call toll-free (855) WIC-STOR or (855) 942-7867 or contact the WIC Vendor
Management Branch by email at if you have any questions about these new options.
Last Updated June 1, 2022
WIC approved formula substitutions:
If a participant's benefits show one of the categories below, they can buy any formulas on that category's list.
1. Powder Formulas (PDF)
2. 12.5 oz Enfamil Infant Powder Formula (PDF)
3. 12.4 oz Gentlease Powder Formula (PDF)
4. 12.4 oz Enfamil Reguline Powder Formula (PDF)
5. 12.9 oz Enfamil A.R. Powder Formula (PDF)
6. 12.9 oz Enfamil ProSobee Powder Formula (PDF)
7. 13 oz Enfamil Infant Concentrate Formula (PDF)
8. 13 oz Enfamil ProSobee Concentrate Formula (PDF)
9. Ready to Feed Formula (PDF)
10. Ready to Feed Soy Formula (PDF)