As a result of recently chaptered legislation, (Assembly Bill 1710 (Chapter 672, Statutes of 2012) beginning February 1, 2013 and annually thereafter, Nursing Home Administrator Program (NHAP) licensing fees will be adjusted based on program costs and not by the Consumer Price Index. This change aligns the methodology of calculating NHAP licensing fees with the methodology used by the California Department of Public Health's (CDPH) Licensing and Certification (L&C) Program for other licensure categories.
Each year, the L&C Program will release a list of proposed fee adjustments for NHAP based on an analysis of program costs. This list and staffing analysis will also be submitted to the Legislature. The final NHAP fee list will be released within 30 days of enactment of the annual Budget Act.
Upon release, the NHAP's proposed adjusted fees will be published on CDPH's website: (
Additionally, the final fee changes will be reflected in the Health Facility License Annual Fee Reports: (
The information in this AFL is a brief summary of the changes to NHAP fees as a result of AB 1710. CDPH's failure to expressly notify nursing home administrators of legislative or regulatory changes does not relieve them of their responsibility for following all laws. Please refer to the full text of AB 1710 to ensure compliance.
For additional information on NHAP fee adjustments, please contact Dave Wilson at (916) 552-8770 or email at
Original signed by Debby Rogers
Debby Rogers, RN, MS, FAEN
Deputy Director
Center for Health Care Quality