āThis All Facilities Letter (AFL) notifies all health care facilities that Livanta LLC (Livanta) has contracted with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Servicesā (CMS) Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) Program to act as the Beneficiary and Family-Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (BFFCC-QIO) in support of the programās case review and monitoring activities separate from the traditional quality improvement activities of the QIOs. Since August 1, 2014, Livanta has been conducting all Medicare quality review cases, appeals, and complaints as the BFFCC-QIO for Area 5, which includes California.
On January 29, 2015, Livanta issued a provider bulletin outlining several updates and reminders for providers, including:
- Information on checking case status online;
- Providersā requirement to sign Memoranda of Agreement with Livanta;
- Contact information; and
- Frequently asked questions.
The provider bulletin may be found in its entirety at the following link:
Livanta Quality Improvement Organizations
If you have any questions, please contact Livantaās Area 5 Communications Lead, Kym Roundtree, at BFCCQIOArea5@livanta.com or (702)749-0606.
Original Signed by Jean Iacino
Jean Iacino
Deputy Director