On September 9, 2022, the National Weather Service issued multiple wind and flood alerts related to Tropical Storm Kay. Tropical Storm Kay will continue to move northwest off the Baja Coast, which may impact Southern California. It is important to note this is not expected to be a direct landfall of the tropical storm; however, heavy rainfall will likely result in flash flooding.
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recommends healthcare facilities review the following guidance:
Facilities must have a written disaster and mass casualty program with contingency plans in place to deal with loss of power, flooding, evacuation, and any other adverse conditions that may affect the health and safety of patients and residents.
Licensing regulations require facilities to report all emergency and/or disaster-related occurrences that threaten the welfare, safety, or health of patients to CDPH. If Tropical Storm Kay affects your facility by compromising patient health and safety and/or require an evacuation, transfer, or discharge of patients, you must contact your CDPH district office.
Please follow these guidelines for reporting such occurrences:
During normal business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) | Contact the local CDPH district office you customarily work with for your geographical location. |
For after-hour reporting or if the local CDPH district office is non-operational due to an emergency and/or disaster | - For facilities outside Los Angeles County, contact the CDPH duty officer at (916) 328-3605.
- For facilities in Los Angeles County contact the Los Angeles County Operator at (213) 974-1234. Ask that they notify the on-call Health Facilities Inspection Division supervisor.
Facilities can follow current warnings and watches through the National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center.
If you have any questions about this AFL, please contact your respective district office.
Original signed by Cassie Dunham
Cassie Dunham
Deputy Director