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Office of AIDS

Ending the Epidemics

Ending the Epidemics Strategic Plan

OA has partnered with Facente Consulting to develop a plan for a statewide collaborative, harm reduction approach to preventing and treating HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in California. We know that how and where we live, work, and access care plays a huge role in our health, and we cannot end the HIV, STD, and HCV epidemics without addressing racial equity. (CDPH defines racial equity as "the condition achieved when race can no longer be used to predict life outcomes and conditions for all groups are improved.") We are framing this plan around racial equity and other social determinants of health.

Our 18-month strategic planning process includes:

  • Reaching out to a wide range people across the state to ask for ideas on how California should be responding to the overlapping HIV, HCV, and STD epidemics;
  • Using those ideas to decide what we can do to make it easier for people to avoid getting HIV, HCV, and STDs, and what activities are most important to support the health of people in California when they have HIV, hepatitis C or STDs; and
  • Summarizing these ideas in a big picture plan by the end of 2021, so we can work with people throughout the state in 2022 to develop a more detailed plan for locally and successfully implementing these activities.

 Ideas and suggestions from a wide variety of stakeholders is critical! We have developed a short (7 question) survey that will help to ensure that a diverse set of voices are meaningfully included from the very start of the planning process. The survey is available in both English and Spanish, and will be open through August 30,2021 at the following link: CDPH Ending the Epidemics Strategic Plan Survey.

CDC 20-2010

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