Information and Resources for Ukrainians
This page primarily contains information for Ukrainian arrivals who will be staying in California through the Uniting for Ukraine program. Please read the Information on Benefits section for all other immigration statuses.
If you have been granted humanitarian parole and have not attested your vaccination status, please visit the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website and complete the online tuberculosis and vaccine attestation in your USCIS account. You must complete your medical attestation within 90 days of arrival in the United States.
If you have not completed your required vaccinations or your tuberculosis screening, please visit the Refugee Health Assessment Program County Clinics page to check if your county has a Refugee Health clinic where you may schedule an appointment.
Ukrainian Arrival Assistance Resources
Information on Medi-Cal and Other Benefits
For Medi-Cal eligibility for new arrival Ukrainians, please see State of California Health And Human Services Agency Department of Health Care Services Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No: I 22-16, Issued April 29, 2022:
Many Ukrainians are expected to receive humanitarian parole upon entry to the U.S. Please review the policy letter link below for an overview of benefit eligibility, including for individuals entering with humanitarian parole as well as other immigration statuses. The letter contains a revised chart for Benefit Eligibility for Refugees, Asylees, UHPs, NUHPs, and others:
Health Resources
Information on Uniting for Ukraine