āThe California Department of Public Health was notified by the California State Warning Center that California has now entered Phase II of the State Contingency Plan for Excessive Heat Emergencies.
High temperatures are expected to begin on 8-31-22 and may last through 9-10-22. Please go to the National Weather Service's website to access any heat advisories for your area.
Healthcare facilities should implement recommended precautionary measures to keep individuals safe and comfortable during extremely hot weather. Facilities must have contingency plans in place to deal with the loss of air conditioning, or in the case when no air conditioning is available, take measures to ensure patients and residents are free of adverse conditions that may cause heat-related health complications. Facilities must report extreme heat conditions that compromise patient health and safety and/or require an evacuation, transfer, or discharge of patients. The All Facilities Letter (AFL) with additional details that was sent out in the beginning of the season can be found at the link below:
Local Health Departments (LHDs) are asked to monitor the heat situation, take appropriate actions to protect vulnerable populations, and submit Situation Reports of any heat-related health impacts as directed in the Public Health and Medical Emergency Operations Manual. Links to resources are below: