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Trauma Awareness

CDPH has partnered with the California Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris for Trauma Awareness Month in May. Trauma can impact the mental and physical health of our communities, for all Califorians young and old. This toolkit encourages Califorians to share their strories of healing and support using hashtag #IAmTraumaAware.


A Message from CA Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris


Find Resources from ACEs Aware


Call or Text CalHOPE for Emotional Support


Social Media Messaging

Use this copy in conjunction with the below social images.

Trauma Awareness Social Media Messaging (English, PDF)

Social Media Images

To use these images, click on each one to enlarge the image, then right click and "save as."

Instagram Carousel: Mental Health Check

ā€‹Mental Health Check
ā€‹Rate your mood from 1 - 10
ā€‹What mental health symptoms are you experencing? Do you know the trigger? How are you managing it?
ā€‹What is taking up most of your headspace today?
ā€‹What is something you can do today to show yourself love and care?
ā€‹What can you do today that will bring you joy?

Instagram Carousel: Day Reflection

ā€‹How was your day?
ā€‹What were some challenges?
ā€‹How did you handle them?
ā€‹What is something you don't want to forget about today?
ā€‹Create an affirmation for yourself today.
ā€‹What is one thing you're grateful for today?


ā€‹Tenderness is not a weakness.
ā€‹You are not your worst moment.
ā€‹Healing is not linear. There will be good days and bad days.
ā€‹Be gentle with yourself.
ā€‹Prioritize your peace.
ā€‹In a world that can be cruel, choose to be kind.
ā€‹Self-care is not selfish.


ā€‹When was the last time you checked in with yourself?
ā€‹What are five things you are grateful for today?
ā€‹How do you manage your triggers?
ā€‹What are five things that help ground yourself in the present?
ā€‹How can you show yourself some love today?
ā€‹How can you show yourself the same compassion you show others?


ā€‹I am trauma aware. Woman sitting down meditating in nature.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Woman sitting in nature meditating.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Woman sitting inside stretching.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Man sitting inside meditating.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Man walking in nature.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Man in nature holding yoga mat.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Woman sitting talking to therapist virtually.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Man sitting on couch texting.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Woman sitting inside meditating.
ā€‹Man sitting down talking virtually to therapist
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Young girl high fiving doctor.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. Father and son embracing while talking to therapist.
ā€‹I am trauma aware. A trans person person hugs their partner.

ā€‹I am trauma aware. People sitting in a circle and talking.

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