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Fight the Flu. Get Vaccinated!

The flu is a contagious disease that can cause serious illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that flu has resulted in 9 millionā€“41 million illnesses, 140,000ā€“710,000 hospitalizations and 12,000ā€“52,000 deaths annually between 2010 and 2020.

There are many reasons to get a flu vaccine each year:

  • Flu vaccination can help keep you from getting sick with flu. Flu vaccine prevents millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations, and thousands of deaths each year.

  • Flu vaccination has been shown in several studies to reduce severity of illness in people who get vaccinated but still get sick, including reducing the risk of flu-related hospitalization.

  • Flu vaccination can reduce the risk of potentially serious flu complications for people with certain chronic health conditions and can reduce the risk of a flu-related worsening of a health condition like asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.

  • Flu vaccination during pregnancy helps protect pregnant people from flu during and after pregnancy and helps protect their infants from flu in their first few months.

  • Flu vaccine can be lifesaving in children.

  • Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain chronic health conditions.

As the COVID pandemic continues into a third flu season, do your part to help reduce strain on Californiaā€™s hospitals by getting the flu shot.

CDPH recommends the annual flu vaccination for everyone six months of age and older. For more information and resources, visit CDPH's flu webpage and the updated California Immunization Coalition (CIC) flu season communications toolkit.

Schedule Your Flu Shot Today

CDPH encourages Californians to contact a health care provider or clinic about getting the flu vaccine. You can schedule your flu vaccine today on MyTurn. Pharmacies usually accept most insurance, including Medi-Cal. Some local health departments may also offer low- or no-cost flu immunizations.

Share the following social media and website assets with your communities to spread the word about fighting the flu. This material is downloadable and shareable.

Video Assets

Start a new family tradition today at

:15 English


:30 English


:15 Spanish


:30 Spanish


ADA Compliant Versions

My Turn Widget

For use on LHD or provider sites to offer people a simple way to connect with My Turn and schedule an appointment.

ā€‹Fight the Flu widget
Copy the code below for this widget:

 <div style="min-width: 320px"> <iframe src="" height="360" scrolling="no" width="100%" frameborder="0" title="Flu widget"></iframe>


ā€‹Combate la gripe widget
Copy the code below for this widget:

 <div style="min-width: 320px"> <iframe src=""

height="360" scrolling="no" width="100%" frameborder="0" title="Flu widget"></iframe>


Social Media - English


the flu shot prevents millions of sick days
Facebook & Instagram:
the flu shot prevents millions of sick days
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Getting vaccinated against the flu prevents millions of illnesses and doctors visits every year.

Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.

get your flu vaccine. Protect yourself and your loved ones.
get your flu vaccine. Protect yourself and your loved ones.
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Take the extra step for your loved ones. Keep them safe by getting the flu vaccine.

Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.

ā€‹Everyone 6 montyhs and older should get the flu shot
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Each year, millions of children get sick with seasonal flu and thousands are hospitalized. Protect babies 6 months and older, yourself, and others by getting vaccinated. Visit for more information and go to to schedule your flu vaccine. #FightFluTogether
ā€‹Everyone 6 months and older should get the flu shot
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Protect your crew against the flu by getting the flu shot for you and your family. Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Get your flu shot. The best way to prevent flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year. Everyone ages 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine. Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.
ā€‹Protect the people you love

ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Older adults, people who smoke, or anyone with chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, or heart disease are especially at risk of severe flu complications. Getting the flu vaccine protects yourself and others from getting the flu. Who are you getting a flu shot for?

Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.

ā€‹Protect yourself. Protect the people you love
Suggested Messaging:

Babies under 6 months of age can't get a flu shot, but their family can. Help protect the youngest among us. Get your flu shot today. #FightFluTogether

Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.


ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Vaccinated pregnant people pass antibodies to their developing fetuses, protecting the baby when they're born ā€“ and themselves ā€“ against the flu. Since people are eligible for the flu vaccine when they're 6 months or older, getting the vaccine when pregnant helps protect your baby for the first few months of life.

Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.


ā€‹Masks protect against respiratory illness life flu and COVID-19
Suggested Messaging:

Both #COVID19 and #flu can cause severe illness and complications, especially for high-risk groups. In addition to wearing masks, getting the flu and COVID-19 vaccines are simple ways to protect yourself and your family.

Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.

ā€‹Everyone 6 months and older should get the flu shot
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Each year, millions of children get sick with seasonal flu and thousands are hospitalized. Protect yourself, protect others around you.

Visit for more information and go to to schedule your vaccine.

Schedule the Flu Vaccine on MyTurn

Now scheduling flu vaccines, too
Now scheduling flu vaccines, too.
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

My Turn helped millions of Californians schedule their COVID-19 vaccines. You can also use My Turn to help fight the flu by scheduling your flu vaccine today! Visit ; for more information.

We make it easy. Fight the flu.
We make it easy. Fight the flu.
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Did you know you can easily schedule your annual flu vaccine with My Turn? Well, you can! You can also find a walk-in clinic. Just visit
Two vaccines. One visit.
Two vaccines. One visit
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Getting vaccinated against the flu and COVID-19 is safe and easy. Make appointments or find walk-ins for both vaccines at
ā€‹Twitter:Protect each other
Protect each other
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Protect yourself. Protect each other. Getting both a flu and a COVID-19 vaccine is safe, and makes it easy.
The flu vaccine keeps families healthy
The flu vaccine keeps families healthy
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
There are countless reasons to get your annual flu vaccine. Now, easy scheduling is one more:

Social Media - Spanish

la vacuna contra la gripe evita millones de dias de enfermedadFacebook:
la vacuna contra la gripe evita millones de dias de enfermedad
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Recibir la vacuna contra la influenze (gripe) evita millones de enfermedades y visitas al mĆ©dico cada aƱo. Para obtener mĆ”s informaciĆ³n, visite y si quieres una cita para vacunarte, visita
reciba su vacuna contra la gripe. Protejase usted y a sus seres queridosā€‹Facebook:
Reciba su vacuna contra la pripe
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
DĆ© el siguiente paso por sus seres queridos. MantĆ©ngalo sseguros asegurĆ”ndose de que reciban la vacuna contra la influenza (grip). Para obtener mĆ”s informaciĆ³n, visite y si quieres una cita para vacunarte, visita

ā€‹Protege a las personas que amas.

ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Los adultos mayores, los fumadores o cualquier persona con afecciones crĆ³nicas como asma, diabetes o enfermedades cardĆ­acas corren un riesgo adicional de sufrir complicaciones graves por causa de la influenza. Vacunarte contra la influenza es una forma de protegerte y proteger a los demĆ”s de contraer la influenza. ĀæPor quiĆ©n te vacunarĆ”s contra la influenza?

Para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n, visita y si quieres una cita para vacunarte, visita


ā€‹Protege a las personas que amas
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Los bebĆ©s menores de 6 meses no pueden vacunarse contra la influenza, pero su familia sĆ­. Ayuda a proteger a los mĆ”s pequeƱos. VacĆŗnate contra la influenza hoy.

Para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n, visita, y si quieres una cita para vacunarte, visita


ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Las mamĆ”s vacunadas trasmiten anticuerpos a sus bebĆ©s, protegiendo a ambos de la influenza. Tu vacuna contra la influenza tambiĆ©n ayuda a proteger a tu bebĆ© durante los primeros meses de vida, cuando aĆŗn son demasiado pequeƱos para recibir la vacuna contra la influenza.

Para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n, visita, y si quieres una cita para vacunarte, visita


ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Tanto el #COVID19 como la #Influenza pueden causar enfermedades y complicaciones graves, especialmente para los grupos de alto riesgo. Aparte de usar las mascarillas, vacunarse contra la influenza y el COVID-19 son formas sencillas de protegerte y proteger a tu familia.

Para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n, visita, y si quieres una cita para vacunarte, visita


ā€‹Suggested Messaging:

Cada aƱo, millones de niƱos se enferman a causa de la influenza estacional y miles son hospitalizados. ProtƩgete, y protege a los que te rodean.

Para mĆ”s informaciĆ³n, visita, y si quieres una cita para vacunarte, visita


Ahora ofreniendo citas para la vacuna contra la gripe tambien.ā€‹Facebook:
Ahora ofreciendo citas para la vacuna contra la gripe tambien
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
MyTurn ayudĆ³ a millones de californianos obtener citas para vacunarse contra el COVID-19. Ahora estĆ” listo para ayudarle combatir la influenza (la gripe).
Lo hacemos facil. Combate la gripe.
Lo hacemos facil. Combate la gripe.
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
ĀæSabĆ­as que con MyTurn puedes programar fĆ”cilmente tu vauna anual contra la infuenza (gripe)? Bien, sĆ­ puedes. TambiĆ©n puedes encontrar una clinica sin cita previa. SĆ³lo visita
Dos vacunas. una visitas
Dos vacunas. una visita
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Vacunarse contra la influenza (gripe y contra el COVID-19 es seguro y sencillo. Haga una cita o encuentre una clinica sin cita previa aplicarse ambas vac unas en
Protejanse entre todos
Protejanse entre todos
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
ProtƩjase usted mismo. ProtƩjamonos unos a otros. Recibir la vacuna contra la influenze (gripe) y contra el COVID-19 es seguro, y lo facilita.
La vacun contra mantiene a las familias sanas
la vacuna contra la gripe mantiene a las familias sanas
ā€‹Suggested Messaging:
Hay incontables motivos para recibir la vacuna contra la influenza (gripe). Ahora, la fĆ”cil programaciĆ³n es un motivo mĆ”s:

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