CDPH Reminds Californians to “Be Better” for Improved Health
Date: 5/25/2016
Number: 16-032
Contact: Ali Bay, (916) 440-7259
SACRAMENTO – California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Smith says you don’t have to be perfect to improve your health, but you can strive to be better. “Be Better” is the new CDPH “Champions for Change” campaign unveiled today during a Sacramento River Cats game at Raley Field in West Sacramento.
“‘Be Better’ is a reminder that even small steps can make a difference in improving your health,” said Dr. Smith. “Take the stairs, snack on fruits and veggies, and quench your thirst with water instead of soda – these are simple ways that we can all be better to enjoy better health.”

Dr. Smith (top right in photo) launched the campaign at the River Cats game as fans took part in an attempt to break the world record for the most people running in place at the same time. The traditional seventh-inning stretch turned into the “seventh-inning flex,” when fans twisted and stretched in a two-minute workout led by Dinger, the team’s mascot, and local “Champions for Change.”
“There’s no greater way to celebrate the launch of this important campaign than by showing how even the seventh-inning stretch is an opportunity to be better,” said River Cats General Manager Chip Maxson. “Our players were happy to join ‘Champions for Change’ in coming up with this fun activity for our fans and creating a new healthy baseball tradition right here at Raley Field.”
The “Be Better” campaign promotes new federal dietary guidelines that recommend Americans focus on making small shifts in what they eat and drink to prevent chronic health conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Having a normal weight reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 70 percent.
The “Be Better” campaign will include English and Spanish ads on television and radio stations, billboards and Web banners. There will also be community-level promotions coordinated with local health departments. The ads will feature “Champions for Change” – real people who have committed to be better for themselves and their families by being more active, drinking water instead of sugary drinks, and eating more fruits and vegetables.