āāNews Releases
News releases from the Office of Communicatioāns, providing information about urgent, new and emerging health topics andā policies. ā
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āCoāmmunications Tools & Information Newsletter
Weekly update from the
Office of Communications, sharing new and notable communications tools and resources for advancing public health.
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āBehavioral Health Services Act Email Updates
Updates on engagement opportunities related to
behavioral health transformation planning from the
Office of Policy and Planningā. ā
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āChildhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch Newsletter
Updates from the
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program with information about identifying and caring for children who have lead poisoning and prāeventing environmental exposures to lead.
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āClimate Change & Health Equity Newsletter
News, resources, tools, events and job opportunities from the
Climate Change and Health Equity Branchā, which builds health equity, advances climate action, and improves living conditions through policies, systems, and environmental changes.
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āGenetic Disease Program Newsletters
Updates from the
Genetic Disease Screening Programā, including updates about prenatal and newborn screening.
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āHealthcare-Associated Infections Program Newsletter
Updates from the
Healthcare-Associated Infections Programā about the prevention, surveillance, reporting and response to healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance in California's hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
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āImmunization Branch Newsletter
(for health care providers)
Immunization news and resources for health care providers from the
Immunization Branchā, which works to protect the population against vaccine-preventable diseases.
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āMaternal, Child & Adolescent Health Newsletter
Updates from the
Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health Divisionā about topics including adolescent health, breastfeeding and nutrition, child health, infant health, pregnancy and reproductive health.
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āOccupational Health Branch Newsletter
Updates from the
Occupational Health Branch, promoting safe and healthy workplaces for all California workers.
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āOffice of AIDS Newsletter
Updates from the
Office of AIDSā, which works collaboratively with state and federal agencies, local health jurisdictions, universities and community-based organizations to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
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āOffice of Health Equity Newsletter
News, resources, tools, events and job opportunities from the
Office of Health Equityā, which works to reduce health and mental health disparities experienced by vulnerable communities in California.
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āOffice of Health Equity Technical Assistance and Grant Management Newsletter
(for Local Health Jurisdictions)
Monthly updates from the
Office of Health Equity Technical Assistance Teamā for Local Health Jurisdictions.
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āPolicy Alerts
The latest California state public health officer orders, public health mandates and information related to emergent public health topics.
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āTransgender, Gender Diverse and Intersex (TGI) Wellness & Health Equity Unit Email Updates
Updates from the
Transgender, Gender Diverse and Intersex (TGI) Wellness & Health Equity Unitā, working to support the dignity and health of transgender, gender nonconforming and intersex Californians.
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āWomen, Infants and Children (WIC) Program Newsletter
Updates from the
Women, Infants and Childrenā program, which provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy foods and referrals to health care and other community services.
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