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ā€‹Newsletter Sign Up Hub  

newsletter iconStay up to date on the latest news and information from CDPH. Sign up for the following CDPH newsletters: ā€‹


ā€‹ā€‹News Releases

News releases from the Office of Communicatioā€‹ns, providing information about urgent, new and emerging health topics andā€‹ policies. ā€‹

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ā€‹Coā€‹mmunications Tools & Information Newsletter  

Weekly update from the Office of Communications, sharing new and notable communications tools and resources for advancing public health. 

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ā€‹Behavioral Health Services Act Email Updates  

Updates on engagement opportunities related to behavioral health transformation planning from the Office of Policy and Planningā€‹.

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ā€‹Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch Newsletter  

Updates from the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program with information about identifying and caring for children who have lead poisoning and prā€‹eventing environmental exposures to lead. 

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ā€‹Climate Change & Health Equity Newsletter  

News, resources, tools, events and job opportunities from the Climate Change and Health Equity Branchā€‹, which builds health equity, advances climate action, and improves living conditions through policies, systems, and environmental changes. 

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ā€‹Genetic Disease Program Newsletters  

Updates from the Genetic Disease Screening Programā€‹, including updates about prenatal and newborn screening. 

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ā€‹Healthcare-Associated Infections Program Newsletter  

Updates from the Healthcare-Associated Infections Programā€‹ about the prevention, surveillance, reporting and response to healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance in California's hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

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ā€‹Immunization Branch Newsletter  

(for health care providers)  

Immunization news and resources for health care providers from the Immunization Branchā€‹, which works to protect the population against vaccine-preventable diseases. 

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ā€‹Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health Newsletter  

Updates from the Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health Divisionā€‹ about topics including adolescent health, breastfeeding and nutrition, child health, infant health, pregnancy and reproductive health.

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ā€‹Occupational Health Branch Newsletter   

Updates from the Occupational Health Branch, promoting safe and healthy workplaces for all California workers.

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ā€‹Office of AIDS Newsletter  

Updates from the Office of AIDSā€‹, which works collaboratively with state and federal agencies, local health jurisdictions, universities and community-based organizations to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

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ā€‹Office of Health Equity Newsletter  

News, resources, tools, events and job opportunities from the Office of Health Equityā€‹, which works to reduce health and mental health disparities experienced by vulnerable communities in California.

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ā€‹Office of Health Equity Technical Assistance and Grant Management Newsletter   

(for Local Health Jurisdictions)  

Monthly updates from the Office of Health Equity Technical Assistance Teamā€‹ for Local Health Jurisdictions.

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ā€‹Policy Alerts  

The latest California state public health officer orders, public health mandates and information related to emergent public health topics.

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ā€‹Transgender, Gender Diverse and Intersex (TGI) Wellness & Health Equity Unit Email Updates  

Updates from the Transgender, Gender Diverse and Intersex (TGI) Wellness & Health Equity Unitā€‹, working to support the dignity and health of transgender, gender nonconforming and intersex Californians.

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ā€‹Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program Newsletter  

Updates from the Women, Infants and Childrenā€‹ program, which provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy foods and referrals to health care and other community services.

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