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Asthma Data

California Breathing analyzes asthma data from a variety of sources to better understand the burden of asthma in California. These data are summarized and made publicly available through an interactive data dashboard, infographics, and downloadable data sets. California Breathing aims to make asthma data accessible and informative to the public and partners working to reduce asthma in California.

California Asthma Dashboard

 Screenshot of the California Asthma Dashboard

Interactive online dashboard for viewing state- and county-level data on:

  • Asthma prevalence
  • Asthma emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and insurers
  • Asthma deaths

Asthma data sets available for download from the CHHS Open Data Portal. Download state- and county-level data on:

California Asthma Control Strategies Webinar Series 

California Asthma Control Strategies Webinar banner

During the Fall of 2021, California Breathing hosted a three-part webinar series about asthma control strategies in California. 

Asthma Infographics

Plain language infographics that provide a snapshot of asthma data in California

Additional Data Resources

Additional asthma information is available from these sources:

  • Tracking California (emergency department visits by zip code, emergency department visits by county, hospitalizations by county)
  • CalEnviroScreen (emergency department visits by census tract)
  • AskCHIS (prevalence, work and school days missed, use of daily controller medication, and development of asthma action plan by county)
  • AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition (prevalence by zip code and other small geographic areas)

Custom Data Request

If you are seeking asthma data that are not available from any of the resources list above, please send your request to and we will contact you regarding the possibility of creating a customized data set. It is not always possible to fulfill custom requests, but each request will be considered.

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