Mail-In Request for Certified Copies of Fetal Death/Still Birth Certificates
Note: Processing fees are deposited upon receiving your request. Before submitting your application to CDPH Vital Records, please view our
Processing Times to make sure they are acceptable for your needs. CDPH Vital Records only accepts fetal death/still birth orders submitted by mail.
Step 1 ā Download and complete application for obtaining certified copies of fetal death/still-birth records
Step 2 ā Determine certified copy fee
A certified copy fee must accompany all requests for copies of vital records. Requests received without the appropriate fee will be returned to the sender. Make your check or money order payable to CDPH Vital Records. Checks must be drawn on a United States bank. Money orders must be drawn on a United States bank or issued by the United States Postal Service.
Please do not send cash by mail. CDPH cannot be held responsible for fees paid that are lost, misdirected, or undelivered.
If no record is found, we will issue a Certificate of No Public Record and retain the fee for the search according to State law.
Step 3 ā Mail your request to CDPH Vital Records
CDPH Vital Records sends all certificates via Standard Mail through the United States Postal Service. If you would like to track the item once it leaves the Vital Records office, please include a
self-addressed, pre-paid, certified envelope with the application (this is optional). Include completed application form, notarized sworn statement if requesting an authorized copy, and check or money order for the certified copy fee.
Please do not send cash by mail. CDPH cannot be held responsible for fees paid that are lost, misdirected, or undelivered.
Mail to:
California Department of Public Health
Vital Records ā MS 5103
PO Box 997410
Sacramento, CA 95899-7410
If using a courier service that requires a
physical address for delivery, please use the following address:
California Department of Public Health
Vital Records ā MS 5103
1501 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95814
NOTE: Concerning Confidential Information on Fetal Death Certificate
The bottom portion of the Fetal Death certificate (entitled "Confidential Information for Public Health Use") contains confidential personal information (race, occupation, and medical data ā including pregnancy history). Health and Safety Code Section 102430 allows this confidential information to be included on an authorized copy only when specifically requested by the mother listed on the certificate. Only the mother or father may request a certified copy of a Still Birth certificate