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environmental health investigations branch

Orange County North Basin Investigation

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) are investigating potential risks of exposure to pollution from industrial sources in northern Orange County, including parts of Anaheim, Fullerton, and Placentia.

Manufacturers, auto shops, dry cleaners, and other businesses left behind solvents and other chemicals. These chemicals polluted groundwater that is used by about 2.5 million people. The Orange County Water District is aware of this pollution and treats the groundwater for safe drinking.

The map below shows the area of contaminated groundwater in green. It is about five miles long and two miles wide, running mostly west of the 57 Freeway and north of the 91 Freeway. This part of Orange County's "north basin" is expected to be declared a federal Superfund site in 2020.

Multiple agencies are involved, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB), Orange County Water District (OCWD), and the impacted cities.

We are committed to providing the best scientific information available about potential exposures and promoting the health of the communities.

Community Outreach, Education and Engagement

On November 14, 2018, we convened a community meeting at Fullerton Public Library in collaboration with EPA and the Orange County Water District. At the meeting, we discussed our health assessment activities, shared ways in which communities can participate, and listened to their health and exposure concerns about the site. We will share our findings when we have completed the public health assessment.

We encourage residents and other stakeholders in Fullerton, Anaheim, and Placentia to share their health or exposure concerns with us. We value this information, and it helps guide our work in Orange County North Basin. Based on community concerns, we can offer educational workshops and other resources.  Let us know what topics interest you! We also welcome your questions or comments. You can reach us via the contact information below.

Contact Information

Beth Saiki, MPH, Health Educator
(510) 620-5764

map of orange county north basin contamination plume, ovrlayed with the city of fullerton, anaheim, and placentia

*The northern extent of groundwater contamination (beyond Commonwealth Avenue) was not known when this map was made. Contamination has also been discovered in western Placentia.   

For more information, please visit:

Orange County Water District webpage:

USEPA Webpage:


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